Thursday, April 23, 2009

Minutes 4.23.09

Chair: Gary
Minutes: Haley
Par: Tom

Attendance: Colter and Yarrow both gone.

1. Leadership Presentation

-everyone has read the chapter

-Marko's idea to tape paper to everyone's backs and people write positive comments on the paper (within groups). This illustrates power of influence may have, despite popularity, loudness, or outgoing personality. Activity first, then explanation of the chapter. Supplies needed: typing paper, tape, colored pens (or something colorful that won't bleed).

2. Raffle prizes

-2 yoga/pilates classes and a basic safety course from Pacific Edge (3 prizes total)

-might get a round of golf...

-might get $50 gift card from Crow's Nest...

-Chardonnay tickets (sailing)...

3. Scholarship funds

-money coming from raffle ticket sales and Gary/Kraig's golf day, any extra money over $500 goal can be used to buy extra prizes

4. Group update for Spring Fling

-program being designed, posters are made and need to be hung

5. Diversity Panel

-Skye needs help setting up for it, if anyone can volunteer it would be great.

Next week's roles...
chair: Kraig
minutes: Rafa
par: Yarrow

1 comment:

Who would you toss off the island FIRST?

scholarship winner!