Friday, May 22, 2009



I've added photos, videos, changed the layout, we have a newsfeed of college achievers, and also a poll (which is funny, so vote). Enjoy.



  1. Hi OAs
    If you want folks to participate in the poll I would move it to the top of the blog! I think your blog looks amazing--so easy to follow, and allows me to see what is going on without being there. Now, I might be missing this, but is there a link to the book you chose, as well as a link back to my blog? It doesn't really impact your grade because the rest of the blog is truly outstanding. Now, as far as attendance. Does everyone deserve the 200 points? Since you were such a large group divided into two--it is hard for me to see if all were present. I did see one "excused" for Marko, but want to take into account your feedback--does everyone deserve 200 for attendance or were there some unexcused? That was the only aspect I could not clearly identify.
    Let me know--y'all know how to get in touch with me--sooner best.
    Also I added the final posts on my blog (assessment of our course 15 points; and advice to future victims 10 points). None of you are hurting for points, but would appreciate your feedback.Great Work Everyone!!!

  2. I am going to miss all of you that have taken all of my courses sad!


Who would you toss off the island FIRST?

scholarship winner!